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Mark Axelrod

Associate Professor, Fisheries and Wildlife


Asia, biodiversity, institutions, international, law, legal, policy, political, governance, politics, international environmental law/ agreements/ negotiations, comparative politics, international relations, India, and trade

Current Research

Axelrod’s current research centers around two dynamics. First, one area of research addresses relationships across issue areas in international relations, including statistical tests of institutional change and the conditions under which Regional Fisheries Management Organizations address climate change. Second, other research assesses how international resource governance rules affect local ecological, livelihood, and equity outcomes.

Selected Publications

  • Mark Axelrod, Brian Roth, Daniel B. Kramer, Shyam S. Salim, Julia M. Novak, T V. Sathianandan, and Somy Kuriakose, “Cascading Globalization and Local Response: Indian Fishers’ Response to Export Market Liberalization” The Journal of Environment & Development, 24(3) (2015). doi: 10.1177/1070496515591577

  • Julia M. Novak and Mark Axelrod, “Multi-level Fisheries Governance and Their Impact on Fishermen’s Adaptation Strategies in Tamil Nadu, India” (accepted for publication in Environmental Policy & Governance, May 2015). doi: 10.1002/eet.1694

  • Michelle L. Lute and Mark Axelrod, “Public preferences for wolf management processes in Michigan” Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 20(7) (2015). doi: 10.1080/10871209.2015.956850

  • Mark Axelrod, “Clash of the Treaties: Responding to Institutional Interplay in EC-Chile Swordfish Negotiations” European Journal of International Relations, 20(4): 987-1013 (2014). doi: 10.1177/1354066113499386

  • Katherine Groff and Mark Axelrod, “A Baseline Analysis of Poaching Incentives in Chiquibul National Park, Belize” Conservation and Society 11(3): 277-290 (2013). doi:10.4103/0972-4923.121031

  • Mark Axelrod, “Savings Clauses and the ‘Chilling Effect’: Regime Interplay as Constraints on International Governance/Law,” in Managing Institutional Complexity: Regime Interplay and Global Environmental Change, Oberthür, Sebastian and Olav Schram Stokke, eds. (2011, MIT Press).

Government Focus

International, National, State

Public Service

Member, program on “Legal Preparedness for Achieving the Aichi Biodiversity Targets”, supported by UN Convention on Biological Diversity and International Development Law Organization
Member, United Planet Faith & Science Initiative
Co-author (with Mark Gibson, Meredith Gore, and John Spink), “Comments on the Recommendations of the Presidential Task Force on Combatting Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Seafood Fraud,"
January, 2015
US Environmental Protection Agency panel to develop a Behavioral Sciences Research Agenda
Co-facilitated short course on “Payment for Ecosystem Services”, Bunda College, University of Malawi
September 2011